How to Develop Your Musical Ideas

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     Most likely, you don't have any problems with coming up with a basic idea for a beat, melody or some chords. What may happen is that you might not know how to go from there and consequently turn those ideas into a full fledged song.      What you need to know is that even the … Continue reading How to Develop Your Musical Ideas

Rhythm and Music Expression

online music lessons; how to; music theory in practice; online lessons; beyond music theory; learn music; write music; music composition; music lessons; music theory; pedro murino almeida; rhythm; music expression

     There is much more to say about rhythm than what I will be exposing in this post. However, I am assuming that you already know enough about rhythm figures, meter and pulse, to follow along.      Depending on certain music genres, rhythm can be one of the most defining characteristics of that genre – see Blues, … Continue reading Rhythm and Music Expression