Chords or Melody, What Comes First?

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     Considering that melody and chords are one of the great building blocks of songwriting, one can wonder where to start first: chords or melody? Each approach can bring something different to the table so, read on: Melody-First Approach      A melody-first songwriting process implies that the first step in our music composition is to compose a … Continue reading Chords or Melody, What Comes First?

How to Create Tension in Music

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     In this post I'll be looking at some ways that you can use to create tension in music by using harmony, rhythm or form and how controlling tension and release cycles can greatly contribute to music expressiveness. Some of them may be more obvious than others but it all comes down to what you are … Continue reading How to Create Tension in Music

How to Use Polychords in Your Music

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     In this post I will be showing you different ways of using tonal and chromatic polychord structures in your music. But first, a thing or two about polychords. It consists of two or more chords played together and such chords may be originated from the same or different tonalities – usually the latter is applied.      Generally, the … Continue reading How to Use Polychords in Your Music

How Much Music Theory Do You Need to Start Making Music?

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     To start making music, you shouldn't have to wait until you have graduated from music university and know all about music theory inside out. In fact, it is quite possible, and highly advisable, to start making your own music with the little that you may already know. But the question is, how much of what … Continue reading How Much Music Theory Do You Need to Start Making Music?

8 Practical Ways of Using Parallel Chord Motion in Your Music

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     In this post, I will be proposing eight ways that you can use this technique. Each has a different feel or vibe so, you will have to choose depending on the harmonic effect you are going for. This particular harmonic technique consists in moving a chord or a harmonic interval and maintain the relative … Continue reading 8 Practical Ways of Using Parallel Chord Motion in Your Music