Chords or Melody, What Comes First?

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     Considering that melody and chords are one of the great building blocks of songwriting, one can wonder where to start first: chords or melody? Each approach can bring something different to the table so, read on: Melody-First Approach      A melody-first songwriting process implies that the first step in our music composition is to compose a … Continue reading Chords or Melody, What Comes First?

How to Harmonize a Melody

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     To be able to harmonize a melody you first need to have a melody and/or know how to make one. The next piece of knowledge you must have is about chord formation; and finally, the experience of how each chord sounds and feels to you. The more you are comfortable about these three aspects … Continue reading How to Harmonize a Melody

How to Make Simple Chord Harmonies Sound More Interesting

online music lessons; how to; music theory in practice; online lessons; beyond music theory; learn music; write music; music composition; pedro murino almeida; chords; melody; how to make chord progressions; how to make chord progressions more interesting

     Simple doesn't have to be boring! In fact, it can be fresh and uplifting. Even the most complex things usually sound better when presented in such a way that all seems logical and make complete sense - complex and yet, simple... The ones that can do this are the true masters.      But also, it … Continue reading How to Make Simple Chord Harmonies Sound More Interesting

Polytonality and Polymodality

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     It is the use of two or more distinguishable key centers, simultaneously. However, the term bitonal can be used instead of polytonality, referring to the use of two key centers in the musical composition.      One of the most important aspects to consider, when composing in a polytonal context, is the choice of key relationships and … Continue reading Polytonality and Polymodality